Dr. Laura of Arc: The Cruci"Fiction" of a wanna be martyr...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ok, let me acknowledge from the start that I have never listed to this woman's show. In fact I don't listen to any radio advice columnists. I tend to see the 'talk-radio industry' as vacuous and specious; a bunch of bullshit artists who get paid to be curt and inflammatory thereby providing some perverse affirmation to the assholes who actually listen to them. They parrot the sometimes ridiculous and sometimes cruel dictums that old guy who side-eyed you in the Walmart parking lot was thinking when he saw you in your fancy car.
But that said, I was never-the-less intrigued by the Laura Schlessinger story. Not by the fact that she blew off a Black caller asking for advice on how to deal with her White husbands racist friends. Not by the fact that she never once told the caller that perhaps her husband should defend her. Not by the fact that she went on to tell the caller that if she has a problem with being subjected to racist comments then perhaps she shouldn't have married a White guy. And not even by the fact that she took the occasion to say the N-word 11 times to a Black woman who called in because she was hurt and offended by racist comments!
No... That's not what prompted me to end my blogging sabbatical...
Uhhh... Hello? She had a Nationally syndicated Radio show where she could talk crazy all day long and had just gotten away with saying the N-Word REPEATEDLY like she was channeling Richard Pryor (circa 1978).
Free Speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want Without consequence... If you go out and offend a few million people, they may in turn, call your sponsors and demand an apology; that's not persecution, that's cause and effect!
But you see, if she stays on the air and keeps her show, then she'll be remembered as Dr. Laura, the asshole who likes to use the word Nigger on the air when talking to Black people. But by leaving she can pretend to be a martyr who was somehow 'pushed' out by the forces of political correctness. Now, newly minted as a "victim", she'll become a symbol to the conservative right. They'll rally behind her and what they believe should be their right
Mark my words - She'll either end up on Fox, Cable, or Satellite radio with a new show, with a broader reach, making more money. Only THEN her audience will be even whiter, so she won't have to deal with you niggas anymore...
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