California Police did WHAT??? Tasered a double amputee in a wheelchair?!?!?
Monday, September 21, 2009
You'll never guess what the fuck just happened in Rush Limbaugh's America... California Police twice tasered a man in a wheelchair with NO LEGS. Even more insipid is the fact that they pressed the taser to his chest and charged it without deploying the prongs. (This allows them to get the tasering effect without having to include the event on all of their taser incident stats)
BUT IT GETS WORSE! The guy falls out of his wheelchair.. The Officer puts his knee on the guys neck and handcuffs him. And while he is on the ground, the guys pants fall down AND THE OFFICERS LEAVE HIM LIKE THAT. The man who obviously could not run away and posed no immediate danger to any of the officers, was tasered, allowed to fall from his wheelchair to the ground, and humiliated by being left on the ground handcuffed and partially nude for 15 minutes.
I would be willing to bet that the Officers will allege battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest. From a man in a wheelchair with no legs...
This is a clear case of why there needs to be national standards for the use of force and particularly for "less-than-lethal" tools like tasers. ALL taser incidents should be inventoried. All incidents should be tallied and categorized on quarterly reports. All Reports should be open and available to the public. And all officers who abuse the equipment should be wrapped in Christmas lights and tasered in the nuts
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