Boogeyman Musings
Saturday, July 12, 2008
So I'm sitting in Chicago O'hare airport right... And I overhear some white guys on the phone talking about how they're on the way to the NAACP convention in Cincinnati. The entire schedule of the convention (which in actuality is about a week long) gets boiled down to two days and two events; McCain speaking and Obama speaking. They were discussing getting pictures taken and wondering if they'd have to demonstrate that they were or had become members...
Now I don't begrudge the dudes for wanting to hear what's said... But it never ceases to amaze me how folks who generally don't give a shit about black folks or black organizations can certainly show up and hog a seat and a meal when it suits them. And immediately thereafter we can go right back to being boogeymen...
I'm in the wrong line of work... I need to be a bouncer/doorman.
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