The Reverend Glenn Luther Beck Jr. can kiss my entire a$$

Monday, August 30, 2010

You know, I've really got to hand it to this guy... On television, radio, and now even at a mass rally, he has been able to successfully portray himself as some kind of Christian faith leader. From his perch, he has managed to lead a pilgrimage of Conservatives to the very spot where Dr. King stood, invoke his name, and claim his legacy, while having spent the better part of a year attacking the idea of "social justice". He managed to portray himself as a common Joe, even referring to himself as "every man", while attacking "Liberation Theology" which is rooted in the idea that we should work to empower the poor and the struggling... And perhaps the most fascinating transformation is that he has managed to portray himself as some kind of 'equal rights' Christian, who even attacked the President by calling him a racist, all while being a proud member of the Mormon faith...

Why is this so fascinating you ask?

Well for starters because what the Reverend Glenn Luther Beck WON'T tell you is that Mormons believe that Black people are dark skinned because we are cursed by God.
BoM Alma 3:6 And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren,
And that God performed this curse to mark us, so that that his people (white people) could identify us and know not to mix with us or our traditions.
BoM Alma 3:8 And this was done that their seed might be distinguished from the seed of their brethren, that thereby the Lord God might preserve his people, that they might not mix and believe in incorrect traditions which would prove their destruction.
Or that when their prophet Jacob spoke to the Nephites, he warned them that if they did not cease their filth and wickedness, God would curse them by making them EVEN BLACKER than he made the already wicked Laminites
BoM Jacob 3:8 O my brethren, I fear that unless ye shall repent of your sins that their skins will be whiter than yours, when ye shall be brought with them before the throne of God.
Or that in God's sight we are not only dark, but filthy and loathsome and God himself has turned his back on us.
BoM Mormon 5:15-18 And also that the seed of this people may more fully believe his gospel, which shall go forth unto them from the Gentiles; for this people shall be scattered, and shall become a dark, a filthy, and a loathsome people, beyond the description of that which ever hath been amongst us, yea, even that which hath been among the Lamanites, and this because of their unbelief and idolatry.
16 For behold, the Spirit of the Lord hath already ceased to strive with their fathers; and they are without Christ and God in the world; and they are driven about as chaff before the wind.
17 They were once a delightsome people, and they had Christ for their shepherd; yea, they were led even by God the Father.
18 But now, behold, they are led about by Satan, even as chaff is driven before the wind, or as a vessel is tossed about upon the waves, without sail or anchor, or without anything wherewith to steer her; and even as she is, so are they.

Nor will he tell you that until the Book of Mormon was revised in 1981, it stated that if and when we would "turn back to God" and be redeemed, we would be made WHITE. And while he may, (as Mitt Romney did during his campaign), acknowledge the fact that Mormon's forbade Blacks from entering in their ministry until 1978, he probably WON'T tell you that the prohibition was based on a belief that blacks were neutral in the war between God and the Devil in some 'pre-existence' and were therefore cursed and forbidden from the priesthood. Nor will he tell you that Mormon's do not believe that they were wrong or that that is now untrue, they simply believe that a new revelation from God came in 1978 that essentially said, ", Fuck it... go ahead and let 'em preach".

But now it's time for an act of community service... Since Glenn Beck seems to be a bit confused about what Racism really looks like like, let me offer this little primer. The things I just quoted from the Book of Mormon - That's some Racist shit...

So Glenn, the next time you want to invoke the name of a Black leader while standing in his shadow, and call upon me to "turn back to God"... take a deep breath - then go fuck yourself.

~~~**And now you know**~~~

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47 years later: Americans to honor Martin Luther King with racially separate rallies...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Now I know we're not supposed to say this but...

 Tomorrow marks the 47th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington and Martin Luther King's delivery of the famous "I have a Dream" speech. What does it say about us that we would mark the occasion with dueling events - Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin hosting their "Restoring Honor" rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, while the National Action Network, the NAACP and other Civil Rights figures and organizations gather in a DC High School for their "Reclaiming the Dream" rally? One predominantly white - one predominantly black. One conservative - one liberal. One featuring Dr. King's niece - one featuring his son... Each staking its claim to the mantle... Both claiming to be the "real" inheritors of the legacy...

What fucking dream was that?  

You know... "I" now have a dream... I have a dream that my glorious Nunchucks would visit DC tomorrow and kiss all of you gently on the back of your heads; and that then, your sleeping bodies would form a beautiful textured tapistry covering the mall grounds in black and white...


Dr. Laura of Arc: The Cruci"Fiction" of a wanna be martyr...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ok, let me acknowledge from the start that I have never listed to this woman's show. In fact I don't listen to any radio advice columnists. I tend to see the 'talk-radio industry' as vacuous and specious; a bunch of bullshit artists who get paid to be curt and inflammatory thereby providing some perverse affirmation to the assholes who actually listen to them. They parrot the sometimes ridiculous and sometimes cruel dictums that old guy who side-eyed you in the Walmart parking lot was thinking when he saw you in your fancy car.

But that said, I was never-the-less intrigued by the Laura Schlessinger story. Not by the fact that she blew off a Black caller asking for advice on how to deal with her White husbands racist friends. Not by the fact that she never once told the caller that perhaps her husband should defend her. Not by the fact that she went on to tell the caller that if she has a problem with being subjected to racist comments then perhaps she shouldn't have married a White guy. And not even by the fact that she took the occasion to say the N-word 11 times to a Black woman who called in because she was hurt and offended by racist comments!

No... That's not what prompted  me to end my blogging sabbatical...

What intrigued me was the fact that Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who was in no real danger of losing her contract, chose to QUIT, and then claim she did it to reclaim her first amendment right to free speech. WTH???

Uhhh... Hello? She had a Nationally syndicated Radio show where she could talk crazy all day long and had just gotten away with saying the N-Word REPEATEDLY like she was channeling Richard Pryor (circa 1978).

Free Speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want Without consequence... If you go out and offend a few million people, they may in turn, call your sponsors and demand an apology; that's not persecution, that's cause and effect!

But you see, if she stays on the air and keeps her show, then she'll be remembered as Dr. Laura, the asshole who likes to use the word Nigger on the air when talking to Black people. But by leaving she can pretend to be a martyr who was somehow 'pushed' out by the forces of political correctness. Now, newly minted as a "victim", she'll become a symbol to the conservative right. They'll rally behind her and what they believe should be their right to call black folks niggers in public to be free of political correctness.

Mark my words - She'll either end up on Fox, Cable, or Satellite radio with a new show, with a broader reach, making more money. Only THEN her audience will be even whiter, so she won't have to deal with you niggas anymore...


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