More late breaking news: McCain Flip-Flops on Family Values!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Just a short time ago, the press began reporting that Bristol Palin, the 17-year old daughter of Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, is pregnant.
When asked about the Palin pregnancy, and the "vetting" process that Oldey McSame used in choosing Sarah Palin, the McSame campaign responded by saying that not only did they already know about the pregnancy; they considered it a non-issue.
TEEN PREGNANCY is now a NON-ISSUE? W.T.F.? It appears the Republican Party is 'evolving' pretty rapidly now-a-days.
Now the count is no advocate of teen pregnancy, nor am I an activist against it. I think that teen pregnancy leads to a number of societal issues and problems, but that horse has already left the barn... All across the country, communities great and small are already dealing with the issue and it's effects. So I'm not posting this to say that Sarah Palin is wrong, or a bad person or anything like that... But after hearing the Republicans talk for years about social pathology as though it was some shit that the Democrats invented and unleased on society like a virus, it is fascinating to watch them parse and squirm whenever one of their own turns out to be... well... american.
The funny part is the fact that McSame DIDN'T properly vet Sarah Palin; because there wasn't enough time to get it done between the Democratic convention and the Republican convention. When McSame realized that O didn't nominate Clinton as his veep, he went scrambling to find a conservative woman that he could add to the ticket hoping that she'd get him the disaffected Hillary supporters. And now with the trooper-gate drip and the pregnancy drip, the McSame campaign may finally be forced to explain why they are suddenly for these major philosophical issues that they were once against.
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