Late Breaking News: John McCain Flip-Flops on Affirmative-Action!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
CNN is reporting that Detroit Automakers are planning to seek a Federal Bailout sometime after Memorial Day... If that goes through, I will officially renounce my sanity because it obviously ain't worth a shit.
So to make sure I get this... Ford and GM make products that generally get somewhere between 15 and 22 miles per gallon. Oil & Gas Prices are climbing through the roof. Consumers are flocking to more fuel efficient cars that are using technology that ALREADY EXISTS. And instead of GM and Ford going into overdrive to utilize these newer more fuel efficient technologies, instead of them radically shifting production to increase fuel efficiency, instead of them using the challenge of the marketplace to "sharpen their saw" and evolve their product line, instead of them competing head-to-head with the Japanese by developing the next generation of hybrid technology or improving upon the capabilities of the lithium batteries currently en vogue, they're going to go apply for a corporate welfare check to subsidize production of an inefficient product...
And with all the expanded drilling Mr. Oldey McSame is talking about I guess the plan is to grow the infrastructure so that we can keep on churning out Yukons and Suburbans. But what do I know... I'm just a Boogeyman
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