Late Breaking News: John McCain Flip-Flops on Affirmative-Action!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain has selected Sarah Palin, the former 6-year Mayor of Wasilia Alaska (population 6,700) and current year-and-a-half Governor of Alaska, to serve as his Vice-President. Having navigated the difficult and sometimes treacherous political landscape that is Wasilia, Ms. Palin now seeks to assume a role that is "one heartbeat away" from the Presidency, when John McCain's old ass heart has already beat gazillions of times starting waaaaay back in yesteryear...  
The Republican Echo-Chamber (sometimes refered to as Fox "News") is in full swing; already heralding her selection as great, and forward-thinking, despite the fact that they spent nearly two years attacking Obama's lack of experience before choosing Palin with a far thinner resume. Shit, New York City has High School Principals who've managed larger populations than Wasilia...
Now this is not to challenge her qualifications on the basis of her gender... To the contrary, had McCain wanted simply to choose a female running mate, the selection of Condoleesa Rice woud have been cheered as a wise choice from any objective observer. Condy has a great resume, while not being a product of Washington. She has foreign policy experience, she is regarded as a leading expert on US-Russian relations, and she is quite the policy wonk. Her candidacy, like that of Hillary Clinton's would have been judged soley on its merits...
McCain seems to have mistakenly believed that ANY woman would automatically assume the same level of gravitas. And while that will inevitably prove itself to be a tremendous miscalculation - hey, it's still good to see Oldey McSame give Affirmative Action another look...


MSM and the Post-Rational Electorate

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So I'm watching MSNBC's convention coverage this morning and Scarborogh, Brezinski, and the gang are all talking about the unconvinced Hillary voters who may choose to vote for McCain. they are referencing this group of voters as people whom Obama has not "sealed the deal" with. Put another way, they intimate that these are yet open-minded voters who simply haven't heard or seen enough from Obama to offer their support.
You have Obama and Hillary, whose policies were alike in most respects, who both have very limited legislative experience, who represent the same party, who both received 18 million votes with Obama taking slightly more than Hillary, who both represent the same departure from Republican policies and politics... And you have Hillary conceding the race and explicitly imploring her supporters to support Obama.. And yet, while Obama was the winner of the race, and while he is running as the champion of the issues and positions that 'Democrats' hold dear... you still have a group of folks (White Folks) who simply can not bring themselves to support him. He's speaking their language, addressing their needs, voicing their concerns, but still they would rather see a McCain Presidency, even while McCain stands in oppostion to the majority of the platform they profess.
And Scarbourough's crew are painting that as a weakness of Obama...  Pulleeezzzeeeee
That is journalistic cowardice. Why on earth can't we call this what it is? Rachel Maddow stepped up to the plate when she referred to this lingering reluctance as "Post Rational". And while I absolutely LOVE that term, I would still say that it only appears post-rational because the media seems intent on discounting the cause. This is the intersection of Race and the Race and It's hard for me to stomach the MSM pretending that race is a non-issue and this is merely a referendum on Obama's leadership...


Detroit Bailout... W.T.F.?

Friday, August 22, 2008

CNN is reporting that Detroit Automakers are planning to seek a Federal Bailout sometime after Memorial Day... If that goes through, I will officially renounce my sanity because it obviously ain't worth a shit.

So to make sure I get this... Ford and GM make products that generally get somewhere between 15 and 22 miles per gallon. Oil & Gas Prices are climbing through the roof. Consumers are flocking to more fuel efficient cars that are using technology that ALREADY EXISTS. And instead of GM and Ford going into overdrive to utilize these newer more fuel efficient technologies, instead of them radically shifting production to increase fuel efficiency, instead of them using the challenge of the marketplace to "sharpen their saw" and evolve their product line, instead of them competing head-to-head with the Japanese by developing the next generation of hybrid technology or improving upon the capabilities of the lithium batteries currently en vogue, they're going to go apply for a corporate welfare check to subsidize production of an inefficient product...

And with all the expanded drilling Mr. Oldey McSame is talking about I guess the plan is to grow the infrastructure so that we can keep on churning out Yukons and Suburbans. But what do I know... I'm just a Boogeyman


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