Nader attacks Obama's Blackness

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ralph Nader came out today with a strident statement challenging Obama's Blackness. He said that Obama hasn't spoken out enough on economic issues in the ghetto and that he talks 'white' in an attempt to appeal to white guilt.

By far, the weirdest shit I heard all week. Ralph Nader now turned "Cultural Critic" speaking out in defense of Ebonics and the plight of the Inner City. I only wish he had described Barack Obama as a "Jive Turkey"; that would have made the moment iconic.

Now my memory is a bit hazy at times, but hasn't Ralph Nader already run for President like twice? And if he is truly an advocate for the inner cities of America wouldn't it stand to reason that he woulda/coulda/shoulda mentioned that shit at some point before now?

Somebody should get a ahold of VH1, we need to see Ralph Nader on the Surreal Life with Lawrence Hilton Jacobs and Gary Coleman as roomates... WHATCHU TALKIN BOUT RALPH?


The Mainstreaming of Pat Buchanan

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Can someone please tell me Pat Buchanan managed to become a respected political commentator? I mean, have I lost my mind or something? This is Pat Buchanan; Architect of the "Positive Polarization" strategy of dividing the country through the exaggeration of differences and the deployment of 'wedge' issues. This is Pat Buchanan guest speaker to the CCC (Council of Conservative Citizens), recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a Hate Group and reincarnation of the White Citizens Councils from the 50's. This is Pat Buchanan who was, according to Bill White; Chairman of the American National Socialist Workers Party, responsible for arranging regular meetings between the people from "Stormfront", the American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review, and others at the Tara Thai restaurant in Arlington, Virginia...

Now he's all "Man of the People" sitting his smug ass on MSNBC every morning, suggesting that Obama needs to run around apologizing for saying words that rhyme with Black.

Now I know, some of you will say, "I watch Pat Buchanan every morning and I don't think he's racist". And you guys have That in common... I'm sure HE doesn't think he is either. But the problem is, those who share and espouse his political and social ideas, most certainly are...

Now every morning I stare at my television in near disbelief; swearing I must've missed something...


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